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EU07596 - Skin Hydration Bath

Inspired by asian beauty rituals, this fast-absorbing solution for sheet masks is a real hydration bath!

Sheet mask use has been a growing trend since more than 10 years now. Coming from Asia, sheet masks use is expanding worldwide.
Deep skin hydration is the major claim of these products.

The obtention of solution, transparent in a jar, can be a true challenge: active ingredients should not color or cloud the formula, the solution should be texturized, thickened, while being easily absorbed.

Seppic raised the challenge and combined HYDRACHRYSUM™ (allowing transparent formulas obtention) together with SEPIMAX ZEN™!

SEPIMAX ZEN™ allows the obtention of a translucent and slightly texturized solution. This multifunctional polymer thickens, stabilizes and texturizes the formula.

HYDRACHRYSUM™ resolves inflammation closely related to dehydrated skin while restoring skin barrier function and homeostasis.

NOC: 97.8 % (ISO 16 128) - Biodegradability: 99.7 %